
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Storage Wars New York - PEZ Space Guns: The Fog meets the other Joe P

Last night on the A&E channel there was an episode of Storage Wars New York that featured PEZ ("Legends of the Fog").  Not just any PEZ dispensers either, but PEZ Space Guns from the 1950's!

The episode takes place in Brooklyn, New York.  Todd "The Fog" pays $1100 for the contents of a storage locker.   At first it looks like he won't make his money back.  The locker is floor to ceiling with trash bags filled with mostly worthless junk.  He's only found about $330 worth of items, but then...

Todd finds six 1950's PEZ Space Guns mint in bag inside a duffle bag.  At first he thinks they might be water pistols, but he soon realizes what he's found.    Each even comes with the gun permit, which by themselves are worth at least $50 each.  The colors of the space guns are: black, blue, yellow, red, maroon, and silver.

Here's the full episode for those who missed it on television. 

Skip to 13:52 to see Todd unearth the PEZ Space Guns from the nasty storage locker.

Skip to 18:02 to watch Todd visit PEZhead Joe Paravati at the NE PEZ Gathering in Stamford, CT and get his Space Guns appraised.  Funny coincidence, by the way, that one of the main characters on the show goes by Joe P.

Joe first gives a little lesson by talking about the fake clear PEZ Space Gun that sold on eBay for $11,000.  Then he disassembles the black Space Gun to show Todd all the details, like the awesome marbleized dispenser.  Finally after a long pause, he gives Todd the good news that his PEZ Space Guns are worth a whopping $3400!  Big smiles.  :-)

Below are some stills from the show to enjoy, since the couple minutes devoted to PEZ goes by too fast.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Safari (Kooky Zoo) Lion Variations (Update)

Back in May I posted about the many head variations of the Safari (Kooky Zoo) Lion.  Since then I've acquired a couple more variations, bringing my total to six.  The two new ones I've gotten are the DEG Metro Stars and Purple/Blue Crystal, 2nd and 4th from left, respectively, in the photo below.

Included in my original post was the following collage showing 32 different variations.  I now realize I failed to include the DEG Metro Stars lion in the collage.  The DEG Metro Stars lion is unique from the other 32 because it's the only one not having white eyes.  Instead its eyes are tan like its head color.  The other unique thing is its mane is a darker brown than the "David W" variation on the far left.  Lastly, it has printing on the stem, which none of the other variations have, as far as I know.  Btw, for those curious, the DEG Metro Stars is an ice hockey team in Düsseldorf, Germany.  "DEG" stands for Düsseldorfer Eislauf Gemeinschaft.

In my original post I stated there were 55 total head variations based on info at the PezBase site.  I'm now fairly certain there really are only 33 total variations.  However, if any of you have photos of some other head variations please let me know because I'd really like to see them.  Also if any of you have one or more of the 27 variations that I don't have for sale, please let me know.  Thanks.  :-)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Uncommon Giant PEZ

Today on eBay I noticed a couple auctions (from the same seller) for giant PEZ dispensers that are fairly uncommon.  The one that really caught my eye was the Hamburger Helper hand, which I've never seen before.  The other one I've rarely seen is the Lucky Charms leprechaun.   Both were released in 2007 and are in the General Mills series of giant dispensers.  The auctions end in about an hour from now, so we'll see what the final price is.  Right now, the Hamburger Helper hand has 4 bids and is $37.00, while the Lucky Charms leprechaun has only 1 bid for $39.99.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

PEZ in Space

Today I worked on a little PEZ project, displaying my collection of loose PEZ candies.  I used a 12 inch frame meant for displaying an LP cover and added a background of black glitter paper.  This photo with the flash created a great space effect.

As an added bonus I've included an episode of Pigs in Space from the Muppet Show.  Enjoy and have a good weekend!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Ghost and Vampire 2013

Tonight while PEZ hunting on eBay I spotted a couple new Halloween PEZ for 2013, Ghost and Vampire.  

The new PEZ are nice and seem to be designed more for the kids compared to the Bat and Vampire released a few years ago.

Right now the Ghost has 11 bids and is going for $10.05 and the Vampire has 9 bids and is going for $4.50.  Only about 30 more minutes of bidding time on these, so get busy if you want 'em! 

In case you miss bidding on these, there are one more of each available from the same seller.  The auctions end at 9pm PDT tomorrow (Tue).