
Friday, November 21, 2014

Presidential Series: Volumes 6 and 7, Stem Colors, and Vol. 9 Release Date

Just released this November are Vol. 6 and Vol. 7 of the Presidents of the United States PEZ series.  Below are photos showing the sets from  I really like the detailed packaging with the continuing trend of alternating blue and red boxes.  The odd numbers in the series are blue and even numbers are red.

U.S. Presidents volume VI: 1909-1933 (L-R) William Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, Warren G. Harding.

U.S. Presidents volume VII: 1933-1969 (L-R) Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Something I was curious about was whether the PEZ stem color matched the party of the President or whether the color choice was random.  As we know, the expected color scheme is Red for Republican and Blue for Democrat.  So with the help of Wikipedia's List of Presidents of the United States I created the table below showing the party of each President and the PEZ stem color.

The bottom line is that the stem color does not appear to be random.  Out of the 35 Presidents released so far as PEZ, there are only 5 that conflict with Red for Republican and Blue for Democratic.  Specifically, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, and William Taft were all Republican Presidents, but their stem colors are Blue.  The 5th conflict is James Madison (Vol. 1) who was a Democratic-Republican, but the stem color is Blue.  

Democratic-Republican can be thought of as Republican, per the Wikipedia page: "Most contemporaries called it the Republican Party. Today, political scientists typically use the hyphenated version while historians usually call it the Jeffersonian Republicans, to distinguish it from the modern Republican Party, which was founded in 1854 and named after Jefferson's party."

The Whig party seems fair to be colored Red for Republican.  Each of the 4 Whig Presidents has a Red stem color.  Per the Wikipedia page: "The northern [Whig] voter base mostly joined the new Republican Party.  Most of the founders of the Whig party had supported Jeffersonian democracy and the Democratic-Republican Party.  Most remaining Northern Whigs, like Lincoln, joined the new Republican Party.  Succeeded by Republican Party."

The Federalist party seems fair to be colored Blue for Democratic, since at the time the Democratic-Republican party opposed the Federalists, similar to the situation of the modern Democratic party.  Per the Wikipedia page:  "The Federalist Party was the first American political party.  The United States' only Federalist president was John Adams.  Their political opponents, the Democratic-Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, denounced most of the Federalist policies."

Our first President, George Washington, was an Independent, so the stem color could have gone either way in my opinion.  Red was the chosen color.

We'll see how the stem colors will turn out in volumes 8 and 9, but I'm guessing the Red for Republican and Blue for Democratic trend will (mostly) be followed.  :-)
President Stem Color Party
1 George Wahington Red Independent
2 John Adams Blue Federalist
3 Thomas Jefferson Red Democratic-Republican
4 James Madison Blue Democratic-Republican
5 James Monroe Red Democratic-Republican
6 John Quincy Adams Red Democratic-Republican
7 Andrew Jackson Blue Democratic
8 Martin Van Buren Blue Democratic
9 William Henry Harrison Red Whig
10 John Tyler Red Whig / Independent
11 James Polk Blue Democratic
12 Zachary Taylor Red Whig
13 Millard Fillmore Red Whig
14 Franklin Pierce Blue Democratic
15 James Buchanan Blue Democratic
16 Abraham Lincoln Red Republican
17 Andrew Johnson Blue Democratic
18 Ulysses S. Grant Red Republican
19 Rutherford B. Hayes Blue Republican
20 James A. Garfield Blue Republican
21 Chester Arthur Red Republican
22 Grover Clevland Blue Democratic
23 Benjamin Harrison Blue Republican
24 William McKinley Red Republican
25 Theodore Roosevelt Red Republican
26 William Taft Blue Republican
27 Woodrow Wilson Blue Democratic
28 Warren G. Harding Red Republican
29 Calvin Coolidge Red Republican
30 Herbert Hoover Red Republican
31 Franklin D. Roosevelt Blue Democratic
32 Harry S. Truman Blue Democratic
33 Dwight D. Eisenhower Red Republican
34 John F. Kennedy Blue Democratic
35 Lyndon B. Johnson Blue Democratic

There are 9 total volumes planned with vols. 8 and 9 in Nov. 2015, per the release schedule at

Since the next U.S. Presidential election doesn't happen until Nov. 2016 and there are only 8 U.S. Presidents left to be made into PEZ dispensers, will vols. 8 and 9 each have only 4 Presidents?


  1. About the stems collors I saw the "problem" too, they could use others collors like white stem for George Wahington :) nice to see this PEZ blog, one of my favourite, thanks for the posts!

  2. Yes, good point about having a third color, white, to represent the Independent party. Thanks for your comment and I'm happy to know you enjoy my blog. Keep up the great work with your Pezilla blog too :-)

  3. I sent the following to PEZ Info on July 30, 2015 : "The Presidential Series Release Dates show that Vols. 8 & 9 will be released in Nov. '15. Vol. 8 will probably contain Nixon to the first Bush. What Presidents will Volume 9 contain since the volumes contain 5 Presidents to a volume and there 3 Presidents after the first Bush?"

    Their answer received the same day: "Thanks for your inquiry, the next 2 sets will feature 4 presidents and a Presidential seal dispenser in each set.

    -PEZ Candy"

  4. I'm not sure if many people are aware of this, but in the volume 4 set, which begins with Lincoln and ends with Grant, there was a significant error that affected an unknown number of sets sold. The dispenser with Lincoln's head on it was erroneously labeled as Ulysses S. Grant. I have a photo if anyone is interested. (You can email me at I no longer have the dispenser set. I sold it on Ebay many years ago for $100.00. I'm just curious whether this printing mistake is generally known among Pez dispenser collectors, and how many dispensers with this mistake were put into circulation.
