
Saturday, February 7, 2015

2016 Pezhead for Life Fund Raising Calendar

Looking for a cool PEZ wall calendar with some great photos and artwork?  Well, now's your chance to get an amazing 2016 calendar.  Below are the images you'll see for each month.  
I bought the 2015 calendar at last year's PEZcific convention and have it proudly displayed in my office at work.  It's very professional looking and I highly recommend it.  I'm looking forward to buying next year's calendar in a couple weeks at PEZcific!
Below are the details posted to the PEZheads group by Steve and Sue Heraly.  Proceeds go to help fight cancer.  It seems these days we all know someone who has passed away from cancer.  So it's nice to be able to contribute in a small way to help find a cure.
"We are announcing, once again that we want to help raise money for the American Cancer Society in memory of Jerry Battenfield's brother Gary.  To do this, we have created another Pez Calendar for 2016. We will start selling this 12-month calendar at the Pezcific Coast Convention held in Los Angeles starting on February 19th.  We know this is quite early, but we wanted to give our Pezcific friends the chance to see the calendar in person and the opportunity to participate in this great cause."

"We want to help you recall how Jerry's Family and friends participate each year in the Relay for Life Event and are known as Rambo's Relayers. The event is held in Whitehall, PA. This team alone has raised over $60,000 since their first event was held in 2008. The Rambo's Relayers Team consists of about 15 team members who are family and friends of Gary Battenfield."
"The 2016 Pez Calendar will cost $15.00.  You can buy this Pez Calendar at any of the Pez Conventions (Los Angeles, Connecticut, Cleveland or ???). Or if you want one mailed to you, please e-mail Sue and Steve Heraly at for specific details."

"We want to thank you again for buying this calendar to support the American Cancer Society. We have sold out of these calendars for the past three years.  You can always count on PEZHEADS for their fine support of worthy causes."

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