
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Card Designs for MLB Caps

Today I finally got around to buying a bunch of the MLB caps.  Only two more to go!  While staring at the cards, I noticed there were four different card designs, which you can see in the photos below.  I don't recall seeing this mentioned before, so I thought I share here.  Normally, I don't pay a whole lot of attention to the cards before I open them, but I thought these card design differences were interesting.

On the leftmost card there is "I Live for This" under the MLB logo, while the other three card designs don't have that element.  

The middle two card designs look nearly identical on the front, except for the upper left: one has "Visit our website", but the other doesn't.  However, when you look at the back of the middle two cards, the layout is very different with one having "Gluten Free".

The rightmost card is the most unique one in the group.  It has a different photo of the glove, baseball, and bat than the other three designs.  Additionally, both the MLB logo and flag logo are larger on the rightmost card.  The back of the rightmost card has two elements that the other backs don't: a little plug for the PEZ Visitor Center and a MLB logo.  Lastly, the back of the rightmost card has no trivia about the baseball team, which the others do.

Speaking of cards, anyone else like the card designs for the all the German, English, and Scottish soccer dispensers?  Those are excellent, in my opinion, and I'm keeping all those on the card!

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