
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Two Lane Road Prototype for Trucks

Today after buying the new set of 3 Walgreens trucks I worked on a little PEZ project I've had in my head for a couple weeks.  With all the advertising trucks lately, I was thinking it'd be cool to display them on a two lane road with staggered trucks.

Below are photos of the prototype I came up with with.  My daughter had some black construction paper, which I used for the road.  The dashed line I created by cutting up an extra name badge label sticker I had.

The paper was 12" x 9", so I kept the 12" length and cut the road 3" wide which seemed to fit two trucks side-by-side pretty realistically.

The dashed line was a bit more work.  I wanted it to scale properly with the trucks, so I did a little research on the internet.  Apparently, the standard length of highway dashed lines is 10 feet with 30 feet in between dashes.    The length sure seems a lot shorter when we're speeding along the highway, huh?!  The standard dashed line width is about 6 inches.

To scale them I then needed the standard length of a big rig cab with trailer and the length of a PEZ truck.  The typical length of cab with trailer is 70-80 feet and PEZ trucks are about 4 ¼ inches.  Armed with all these numbers I broke out the calculator and figured the dashed lines to be 5/8 inches long, 1/16 inch wide, with 1 and 7/8 inches between each.

Overall, I think the prototype came out pretty well.  Of course, the elephant in the room is that most collectors have dozens of trucks and this only supports three.  What can I say, except the design is expandable. ;-)

Please let me know what you think in the comments section below and thanks for reading!


  1. This is the first time i read your blog and I have to say that I love it!
    I got here through the Pez list when you posted about this two lane project.

    Can you explain a little more? are they hanging on a wall or did you place them on a flat display?
    If they are hanged, how do they stick to it?


    1. I'm glad you like my blog, thanks!

      Right now the protoype display is very simple and is just placed on a flat surface. My goal is to upgrade the design so that multiple road segments can be joined and hung on the wall. Once I get that completed I'll create a new post with photos.
